Getting started
To help organize your MacBook for different courses, It is recommended you create a folder in your "Documents" folder titled GDD. The Documents folder can be found when you open up the Finder, and on the left hand side.
Within your GDD folder Create a different folder for every course you are taking by right clicking in the empty space in your GDD folder and selecting new folder from the list.
Save your files only in the folders you created for your specific course.
It is not recommended to save any files to your desktop.
File Naming Conventions
Its good practice to save your file names using the same naming convention. Please inquire with your instructor regarding their preferred file naming conventions.
Turn FileVault off
FileVault is your Macs encryption system, but is recommended it be turned off.
To turn off FileVault:
- Open up your System Preferences.
- Click Security and privacy.
- Click the FileVault tab
- Unlock your settings by clicking the lock at the bottom left, and typing in your password.
- Click Turn FileVault off
It will say turn FileVault On if its already off. In that case just close the window.
Backing up your work
Make sure you back up your files to en external flash drive or online server.
To use Time Machine to backup your files:
- Plug in your external drive.
- Go into your System Preferences and click Time Machine.
- Click select backup disk and choose your external drive.
- Click Options and choose what folders you want exclude from the backup and click save.
- Select backup automatically.